Deathbats Club launched on December 12, 2021. It is a token-based club that offers fans perks such as access to exclusive events with Avenged Sevenfold, the ability to purchase tickets to Avenged Sevenfold shows before anyone, skip-the-line access at all shows that get fans into the venues ahead of anyone else, lifetime tickets, lifetime meet & greets, twice-yearly special packages, exclusive merch, merch discounts, and much more.
All token holders have access to the core Deathbats Club community, which is where the band connects directly with fans. We want to be sure that fans never want to get rid of their tokens. We’re going to do everything we can to make sure that these tokens hold their value and that fans get as much enjoyment and entertainment out of them as humanly possible.
If you were lucky enough to mint a Deathbats Club 1/1 you were given exclusive perks such as golfing with M. Shadows, a Synyster Gates stage-played guitar and private lesson, private lessons with Brooks Wackerman, time capsules that include rare memorabilia, stage used items, etc. from Zacky Vengeance, co-hosting spots on Johnny Christ's podcast Drinks With Johnny, and more.
While there are seven sets of 1/1s and four sets of rare bats throughout the 10,000 piece collection, all Deathbats Club tokens include base perks.